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Felt Monome Covers
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What a cool way to schlep around your Monome!

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Be the office sniper!

Creative Prodikeys USB MIDI Multimedia keyboard from Et Cetera
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Two keyboards in one--piano and computer.

Mini Robot with Headphones Plush
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Ah, a robot after my own soul. S/he would make an adorable gift for any electronic music DJ, producer, or enthusiast. (OK, I\'m totally adding this to my wishlist since my birthday is coming up!)

Watusi Vinyl Tee
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Cool graphic of the side view of a turntable.

Shinshoku : uni-band style wristwatch
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It\'s a watch! Really.

My Documents Laptop Sleeve
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Darth Vader Toaster
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Lord Vader staring up at you in the morning from your toast? Well, alright then.

Throwboy Finder Pillow
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Mac love!

USB Drive "Mix Tape"
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A digital version of the original.

Giant Hissing Cockroach Living Specimen | WARD\'S Natural Science
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For the nerdy friend who has everthing...

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